The Tree Canopy Enhancement and Parking Lot Resurfacing Project on Clarkston Campus continues to make process.
Construction on Lots 3, 7 and 8 is complete. These lots will reopen on January 13, 2025, with fresh paving, lighting and new trees. Phase 2 of the project will begin with the construction closure of Lot 5 on January 13 and Lot 1 on January 27. These lots are expected to remain closed for the spring semester.
The project, which is supported through the Georgia Forestry Commission’s Trees Across Georgia grant program, will add hundreds of new trees and replace older trees that are reaching their end of life. Additionally, the project will involve replacement of parking lot surfaces as well as soil reconditioning.
While it will take a few years to replace the canopy coverage, the additional trees will offer improved environmental benefits to our campus and surrounding communities.
Thank you for your cooperation as we work to make enhancements to our campus. Direct questions or concerns to Jamie Smith, Assistant Dean for Finance and Administration, at [email protected]